قد ترغب الأم أو يرغب الأب في مشاركة الأبنة بحلول عيد ميلادها رسائل عيد ميلاد ابنتي بالانجليزي تعبير عن حب كبير لها، اليوم يُمكن للآباء مشاركة أولادهم فرحة عيد الميلاد، اليوم نضع لكل من الاب أو الام رسائل عيد ميلاد بنتي بالانجليزي فيها الكثير من التعبيرات الجميلة وكلمات حب الآباء لبناتهم والتمني لها بالنجاح والتوفيق، اليوم يُمكنك مشاركة الابنة أو بنتي اذا كان بحثك على الأبنة فهنا ستجدين أو تجد عزيزي الاب كلمات عيد ميلاد بنتي.
رسائل عيد ميلاد ابنتي بالانجليزي مترجمة
الآن تميّزي عزيزتي الام بمشاركة أبنتك رسائل عيد ميلاد ابنتي بالانجليزي جميلة، عبّر أيها الأب أيضاً عن الحب العميق لبنتك والتمنّي لها بالعمر المديد والنجاح في الحياة مع كلمات تهنئة.
- Wishing you a birthday as beautiful and bright as you, dearest daughter.
- أتمنى لك عيد ميلاد جميل ومشرق كما أنتِ، يا ابنتي العزيزة.
- To a Wonderful Daughter You’re everything a parent could wish for smart and sensible, dependable and honest, kind and caring and a daughter who’s loved so very much, Happy Birthday.
- إلى ابنتي الرائعة، أنتِ كل ما يتمناه الوالدين: ذكية، معقولة، موثوقة، صادقة، لطيفة ومهتمة، وابنة محبوبة جدًا. عيد ميلاد سعيد.
- For a very special Daughter on your Birthday Sending you warm, sunny wishes and bunches of birthday hugs.
- لابنتي بشكل خاص في عيد ميلادك، أرسل لكِ أماني دافئة مشمسة والعديد من أحضان عيد الميلاد.
- Any parent would be proud to have a daughter like you. A daughter who has such good values and such willingness to be there for others. You make the world a more wonderful place just by being you. Happy Birthday Love Always.
- أي والد سيفتخر بوجود ابنة مثلك، ابنة تمتلك أخلاق رفيعة وتحب مساعدز الأخرين، أنتِ تجعلين العالم أكثر روعة فقط بوجودك. عيد ميلاد سعيد، مع كل الحب دائمًا.
- A daughter is the best thing that can happen to you because a daughter fills your heart with love, That’s the kind of daughter you are. Happy Birthday.
- الابنة هي أجمل شيء يمكن أن يحدث لك، لأنها تملأ قلبك بالحب، وأنتِ هكذا تمامًا. عيد ميلاد سعيد.
- To the sweetest Daughter Diamonds shine but Daughters like you glow. Here’s a loving birthday with for the Daughter Who lights up our lives day after day. Happy Birthday Daughter.
- إلى بنتي الحلوة، الألماس يتألق لكن البنات مثلك تتوهج. هذه تهنئة عيد ميلاد مليئة بالحب لك بنتي والتي تضيء حياتنا يومًا بعد يوم. عيد ميلاد سعيد يا ابنتي.
- A daughter is special gift To treasure all life through. And there could never be a gift As wonderful as you And though it may have all been said So many times before No other precious Daughter Could be loved and eared for more.
- الابنة هي هدية لا تُقدر بثمن طوال الحياة، ولا يمكن أن يكون هناك هدية أروع منك، ورغم أنه قد قيل مرارًا وتكرارًا، فلا يمكن أن تُحب وتُعتنى به ابنة مثلك أكثر.
- Your birthday brings the perfect chance to really let you know just how much you always mean to those who love you so.
- عيد ميلادك يعطي الفرصة المثلى لإخبارك بمدى قيمتك لأولئك الذين يحبونك حقًا.
- A daughter is a blessing A treasure for all time You laughter warmth and loving Make me proud that you are mine. With every year that passes You’re more special than before Through every stage and every age I love you even more.
- الابنة هي نعمة، كنز للأبد، ضحكتك وحلوتك وحبك يجعلني فخورًا بأنكِ لي، مع كل عام يمر تصبحين أكثر حلاوة من قبل، ومع كل مرحلة وكل عمر، أحبكِ أكثر وأكثر.
- Such special daughter Deserves a lovely day One that’s bright and wonderful in every single way With love on your birthday.
- ابنة جميلة مثلك تستحق يومًا رائعًا، يومًا مشرقًا ورائعًا بكل الطرق، مع الحب في عيد ميلادك.=
- Sending wishes For a beautiful day To a Daughter Who is special In every way.
- أرسل لكِ تمنيات ليوم جميل، لابنة حلوة بكل الطرق.
- Daughter you’re wonderful.. Wishing you a very happy birthday to a daughter who is always special and loved very much.
- أنتِ ابنة رائعة … أتمنى لكِ عيد ميلاد سعيد جدًا، لابنة دائمًا خاصة ومحبوبة جدًا.
- Having you as my daughter is my greatest accomplishment and I didn’t even do a thing. You did it all, just by being you. Happy birthday, sweetie.
- أن يكون لدي ابنة مثلك هو أعظم إنجاز لي، ولم أفعل شيئًا. فعلتِ كل شيء فقط بكونكِ أنتِ. عيد ميلاد سعيد، حبيبتي.
تهنئة عيد ميلاد بنتي بالإنجليزي
- The gift of life is so precious, and so are you. Happy Birthday!
- To our beloved daughter, today we are celebrating the best gift that we have ever received and that is your birth. Thank you for being a blessing into our life. Happy Birthday.
- Happy birthday to the most beautiful girl in the world “heck, in the universe”.
- Dear daughter, may you always stay happy and healthy… That way, you can still take care of us when we become old. Happy Birthday.
- This day is very important for us and to everyone who knows you, our dear daughter! You are such an amazing person and on your birthday, we wish you all the best things in life.
- You will always be mommy and daddy’s little baby. Happy birthday, sweetie! .
- You’ve been waiting for this day, all year long! Happy birthday, princess.
- No matter how old you are, to me you will always be my little girl. Have a brilliant Birthday.
- Wishing that your Birthday marks the beginning of an amazing year full of bright and cheerful moments. Happy Birthday to You.
- Sending Birthday wishes to a person, who is no less than an angel from above May this birthday be a special day for you in every way.
- Wishing that you get all the joy that your heart can hold and the smiles that your special day can bring. Happy birthday.
- Wishing that you get all the joy that your heart can hold and the smiles that your special day can bring. Happy birthday.
قد يُفيدك اكثر : رسائل عيد ميلاد بنتي
أجمل كلام لعيد ميلاد بنتي بالانجليزي
هذه رسائل عيد ميلاد ابنتي بالانجليزي ولكنها تتميّز بأنها احلى الرسائل ممزوجّة بالعبارات المليئة بكلمات الحب للابنة الغالية شاركها الآن مع ابنتك.
- Happy birthday, sweetie pie! I am so grateful that you chose me to be your “Dad, Mom”.
- You make every day of every week so deliciously sweet, as only you can! Happy birthday, my dearest.
- We only have the warmest birthday wishes for you, our sweet little girl! May you have the best of times on your special day.
- When you entered our lives, everything became simply wonderful, in the truest sense of the word. Happy birthday, beautiful girl.
- May your birthday be as bright as the sunniest day in summer.
- Cutie pie, you make our hearts sing with joy. May your birthday and every day afterward be a song of love, joy and beauty.
- To us and everyone you know, you are the most precious of gifts. Happy birthday, our gift of love.
- Happy birthday, sweetie. May you always believe in yourself and follow your bliss, wherever it takes you.
- Have an incredibly wonderful birthday, our sweet little angel. We love you more than we could ever express.
- Happy birthday to our absolute favorite and only daughter in the whole wide world. We love you more than our words can say.
- On your birthday, honey pie, I want to wish you a lifetime of happiness.
- Wishing the happiest of birthdays to our beloved, beautiful daughter.
- Happy birthday, sweetie! You are the greatest source of our joy, pride and wonder.
قد يُفيدك اكثر : عبارات عيد ميلاد بنتي
رسائل عيد ميلاد بنتي بالانجليزي
تهنئة انجليزية في عيد ميلاد بنتي ستكون تجربة جديدة خاصتاً عندما تكون على شكل منشورات أو رسائل واتس اب أمام الجميع، ستفتخر البنت كون لها أم او اب مثلك.
- Having you as my daughter is my greatest accomplishment and I didn’t even do a thing. You did it all, just by being you. Happy birthday, sweetie.
- Like a cherished memory, you become even sweeter, more precious and lovelier with time. Happy birthday, my sweet darling.
- I don’t know what I did in a previous life to deserve you as my daughter in this lifetime. Whatever it was, it must have been incredible to end up with an incredible daughter like you. Happy birthday, sweetheart.
- Happy birthday to my precious daughter. Even when I think that you cannot get any more wonderful, adorable, caring and beautiful, you do. You amaze me, sweetie, even when I thought I could no longer be amazed by anything.
- You’ve given us something that no one else could ever do — a daughter’s undying love, concern, loyalty and devotion. There’s nothing greater, nothing more life-giving — except you yourself. Happy birthday, our sweet darling.
- Sure, you’re my daughter. But this is not the only thing that defines you. Your love, your beauty, your caring, your intelligence, your humor, your ambition those and more add up to the wonderfulness of you. Love you lots and lots. Happy birthday.
- The judges have just made their decision and the winner of the “World’s Best Daughter” Award is…you! I just knew you would win. You certainly deserve this title. Happy birthday, my incredible prizewinner! I love you.
قد يُفيدك اكثر : تهنئة عيد ميلاد ابنتي الغالية
بوست عيد ميلاد ابنتي انجليزي
- In my heart, you’ll always be my little girl, my beautiful princess. In my eyes, you’re a successful, funny, loving, caring, inspirational woman. Either way, you’re great. I love you. Happy birthday.
- There’s one word for you. Incredible. I think it says it all. You’re incredible in all the ways that matter. And you’re my incredible daughter. Happy birthday. I love you incredibly.
- I’m not just grateful that you’re my daughter. I’m grateful for your love, kindness, hope, smarts, friendship, support and, more than anything else, the privilege to give it all back to you. Happy birthday, sweetheart.
- You make everything about life sweeter than all the candy in the world. Happy birthday, my little sweetie.
- Happy birthday, darling. You make me smile. You make me laugh. You make me cheer. You make me happy. I will always be there to do the same for you.
- I don’t want your birthday wishes to come true! I want much more for you. I want everybody’s birthday wishes for you to come true. I love you. Happy birthday.
قد يُفيدك اكثر :
كلام جميل في عيد ميلاد بنتي
كلمات لابنتي في عيد ميلادها