اجمل رسائل عيد ميلاد بالانجليزي

اجمل رسائل عيد ميلاد بالانجليزي
 هل تبحث عن رسائل عيد ميلاد بالانجليزي جميلة جداً وتُعبّر لك عما بداخلك من فرحة لشخص ما بمُناسبة عيد ميلادة، اليوم نقدم لك رسائل انجليزي عن عيد ميلاد اي شخص كالحبيب أو الحبيبة او الاصدقاء وللاخت ولكُل شخص في حياتك يحتفل بعيد ميلاده، يُمكنك اليوم مشاركة رسائل عيد ميلاد انجليزية حلوة جداً عبر الواتس اب الخاص بك أو على شكل منشورات مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي لتكون تهنئة عيد ميلاد ولفتة طيبة منك.

احلى رسائل عيد ميلاد انجليزي :

الأن هذه اجمل رسائل عيد ميلاد بالانجليزي تُناسب كل الفئات وكُل الاعمار، إختر رسالة تُناسبك وتُناسب الشخص المطلوب وشاركها مباشرتاً معهُ على الجوال الخاص بك أو على شكل حالات واتس اب ستكون لفتة مليئة بالسعادة وتهنئة مميّزة.

  • May your Big Day be as special as you are to me, baby.
  • All the best for you, May all your dreams come true! Now light up your candles and eat from your cake. It’s about time to take a little break, Happy Birthday.
  • When I was alone God sent you for me To be a part of my secrets, laughter and joy You shared my sadness and lightened my heart Let me cherish the day when you were born By wishing you a heartfelt Happy Birthday.
  • Messages From The Heart For Our Loved Ones. Say “Happy Birthday” And Share Smiles And Joy. Here Are Some Special Messages For Some Special Days Dedicate These Messages To Those Which Are Celebrating Their Birthday.
  • It was raining on the day you were born Guess why? Because God did not want to let you go From His heavenly abode! Happy Birthday Dear.
  • A birthday bouquet of words I send to you, May the days ahead be bright and colorful Full of joy, happiness and friendship May you continue to be Such an uplifting and positive force in so many people’s lives And may your year ahead Be blessed and happy Always.
  • May your memories today be warm ones may your dreams today be dear may your joy last through the year have a wonderful birthday.
  • Whatever dream you’re dreaming may each one of them come true whatever plans you’re making may they all work out for you happy Birthday.
  • Birthdays are a time to say we hope you have the greatest day laugh, smile and celebrate with friends may the magical days show no ends, Happy Birthday.
  • May your life be brighter as each birthday comes and goes with new happiness unfolding like the petal of a rose have a wonderful birthday.

رسائل عيد ميلاد للاصدقاء :

الأن هذه بعضاً من أجمل رسائل عيد الميلاد عندما يكون لصديق أو لصديقة، إختر رسالة منها وشاركها مع الصديق الغالي الذي تُريد ان تهنئة بحلول يوم ميلاده.

  • Best friends like you are parents, teachers and lovers all combined into one magical personality.
    Happy birthday.
  • I promise to light up your life even after you blow the candles away, Happy birthday.
  • Happy birthday to the friend who stays in my heart permanently and rightfully refuses to pay rent.
  • Happy birthday to my closest and oldest friend! I feel blessed, because our friendship is a true gift of life.

 رسائل عيد ميلاد للأخت :

لمن كانت اُختهُ تحتفل بعيد ميلادها، يُمكنك التميّز اليوم ومشاركة رسالة عيد ميلاد للاخت باللغة الانجليزية وُتناسب الاخت كثيراً وتعبّر لك عن حُبك لها.

  • Hey, you are my cute, loving sister. For you every day I find plenty of reasons to be delighted. Happy Birthday, sister.
  • Sisters always help you in understanding the world better and also appreciates it more than anyone else. Happy Birthday.
  • The person who has always taken care of me, for who I am and loved me the most. Happy Birthday sister.
  • May be you are growing up older every year, but to me you’ll always remain as my little loving sister, Have a Happy Birthday.
  • I could never find a better sister than you in this whole world. Wishing you a Happy Birthday.

رسائل عيد ميلاد للحبيبة :

للعشاق الشباب يُمكن اليوم أن تُشارك رسالة تهنئة الحبيبة بعيد ميلادها باللغة الانجليزية، تتكلم هذه الرسائل بشكل رومانسي جداً وتُعبر عن الحب والتهنئة في نفس الوقت.

  • Because you are the gift in my life. On this birthday of yours, I give you my gift of love.
  • Let me take a small piece of the universe and offer it to you, as a humble gift for your birthday. Happy Birthday my love.
  • Today might be your birthday, but for me, everyday is your day. Happy birthday! I love you.
  • Sending you my love on this special day of yours and on every day of your life. Happy Birthday.
  • Do you believe in miracles? Because I do… it’s when the day I found you! I love you baby, and May you be happy on your birthday.

 رسائل عيد ميلاد للصديقة :

للصديقة الغالية وضعنا رسائل جميلة تُعبّر عن الصداقة والحب والتهنئة في عيد ميلادها، شارك أو شاركيها الأن مع صديقتك الخاصة وعبّري لها عن فرحك في يوم ميلادها.

  • Wishing you all the most beautiful things in life, cutie! I can‘t wait to see you again and I can‘t stop thinking about you.
  • Stunning and beautiful is the view, when I close my eyes and think of you. Happy birthday girl.
  • Happy birthday to the love of my life! I wish to make your day as special as you are to me.

 رسائل عيد ميلاد لصديق :

للصديق الغالي الأن نضع لهُ بعضاً من أجمل تهنئة عيد ميلاد بالانجليزي لصديقي، شاركها الأن وعبّر عن فرحتك والتمنّي لهُ بمستقبل وسنة جديدة جميلة بعيد ميلاده.

  • To my prince who protects me and loves me through it all- your princess is here to wish you a very special birthday.
  • I hope you like the Birthday present I got for you. Wait I know you will.
  • Today, on your birthday, I thought about putting several candles on your cake. But then I decided I will only put one, to symbolize you’re the only one for me. Happy Birthday.
  • Being with you makes all the knots of life come undone, Happy birthday.
  • Falling in love with you is the only fall I have ever enjoyed. Happy birthday.
  • I hope I can keep you happier, than the happiest boyfriend in the world. I love you.