
رسائل عيد الام بالانجليزي مترجمة
تستطيع اختيار اجمل رسائل تهنئة انجليزية يُمكن ان تُقّدم للأم في عيد الام.
- “A mother’s love is a reflection of Allah’s love for us. May Allah bless all the mothers on this special day. Eid Mubarak!”
- حب الأم هو انعكاس لحب الله لنا. نسأل الله أن يبارك جميع الأمهات في هذا اليوم الخاص. عيد مبارك!
- Happy Mother’s Day to a loving selfless, hard working mom.
- عيد أم سعيد للأم المحبة الغير أنانية التي تعمل بكل إخلاص.
- It’s that time of year and you’re still my mother You’d think you’d have been promoted by now Happy Mother’s Day.
- الى هذا هو الوقت من العام وانت والدتي، ألا تعتقدين انهُ حان الوقت الى ترقيتك، عيد ام سعيد.
- May all the love you give to others come back to you on this special day.
- أتمنى من كل الحب التي قد اعطيتهُ لنا يرجع اليكِ كامل في هذا اليوم السعيد.
- Happy Mother’s Day to the greatest Mom in the whole world.
- عيد ام سعيد الى اعظم ام في العالم.
- I could bring you flowers I could give you gifts but nothing in this world can truly show you the love I care for you Happy Mother’s Day.
- استطيع ان اهديك ورود، وهدايا ولكن لا شيء في العالم يُعبر عن الحب والاهتمام الذي بداخلي لك، عيد ام سعيد.
- Thank you for being a great Mother and a good friend.
- شكراً لكونك اعظم ام لي وأيضاً افضل صديق.
عبارات عن عيد الأم مترجمة
عبارات طويلة لتشارك الأم في هذا اليوم السعيد أحلى رسائل مترجمة عربي وجميلة للغاية.
- You’re by far the greatest mom in the whole world I’ll make sure that today you feel loved cared for and pampered just to begin to return the favor Happy Mother’s Day.
- أنت أعظم أم على الإطلاق في العالم بأكمله، وسأحرص اليوم على ان اجعلك تشعرين بالحب والرعاية والدلال لكي ارد لك الجميل كهدية في عيدك عيد الام.
- When I cried you always knew how to bring a smile on my face and when I was happy you were always happy with me For this and many more reasons I love you! Happy Mother’s Day.
- عندما كنت ابكي كنتي تعرفين كيف تجعليني ابتسم، وعندما كنت سعيداً كنتي دائماً تشعرين بالسعادة من اجلي، وكثير من الأسباب التي تجعلني احبك، عيد ام سعيد
- When I was young you hugged me when I cried and put endless plasters on my knees I don’t fall over so much any more but I’ll always need my mum I love you Happy Mother’s Day.
- عندما كنت صغيراً كنتِ تعانقيني عندما اقع على ركبتي، وتضعين لي لصقة مسكن ألم ولكن الان انا لا اقع ابداً ولكني احتاج اليكِ اكثر واكثر، عيد ام سعيد يا امي احبك.
- Mom over the years I’ve watched the wonderful ways you’ve made life special for our family the moments of love and laughter the traditions and memories we’ll carry with us throughout our lives But most of all I’ve watched the way you’ve shown us the true meaning of love in everything you do.
- يا امي لقد راقبت كل طرقك الرائعة التي جعلتي بها حياتنا جميلة، لحظات الحب والضحك، اعلمي ان تقاليدك وذكرياتك سنحملها معنا طوال حياتنا، ولكن الأهم من ذلك اني كنت اراقب طريقتك في اظهار المعنى الحقيقي للحب في كل شيء.
رسائل عن عيد الام انجليزية
مجموعة أخرى تحمل معاني الحب والشكر والثناء للأم في عيد الام، شاركها الآن مع أمك الحبيبة دون تردد.
- Thanks for being there when I need you the most and even when I didn’t.
- Wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day.
- Thanks for giving me the best things in life Your time your care and your love. Happy Mothers Day.
- Thinking of you with love today and always Happy Mother’s Day.
- Although I hope you already know my love for you just grows and grows.
- I got all my good qualities from you Mom! Isn’t it lucky you had more than enough for both of us.
- I should have listened to you Mom but I didn’t and now I really need your help I made a face and it stuck that way Happy Mother’s Day.
- I want to thank you Mother for your patience your encouragement your strength your generosity your unswerving love and for those six little words that helped me through so many trying times Because I said so that’s why Happy Mother’s Day.
- It takes someone special to be a wonderful wife a magnificent mom a fantastic friend an incomparable companion the perfect partner someone like you Happy Mother’s Day With All My Love.
- Wishing you the cheeriest the merriest and funniest the brightest best and sunniest of all days ever made.
- There are not enough hugs in this world and not enough kisses to allow me to show you how much I love you Happy Mother’s Day.
تهنئة عيد الام بالانجليزي
اختر تهنئة على منشورات فيس بوك أو على ماسنجر مع أمك مباشرتاً وهنئها بحلول عيد الأم لهذا العام دون تردد.
- I love you Mom and I always will no matter age or distance Happy Mother’s Day.
- You were always there for me if I was sick or had a bad dream or needed help with my homework Even now you always make me feel loved and important even when you have a million other things on your plate. Happy Mother’s Day, and thank you.
- Mother stands for Magnificent Optimistic Trust-worthy Heroine Entertaining Romantic. To me you mean all of this and much more. I love you mom Happy Mother’s Day.
- It’s truly amazing to me how after a long and hard day you come home and always smile Thank you for being the sweetest mom ever Happy Mother’s Day.
- You’re the queen of the house and for that you deserve the royalty treatment today Thank you for everything you have done for me since I was born Happy Mother’s Day.
- In my early years you were my whole world in my teens you were the most embarrassing person in the world and in my 20s I just wanted to make my own way in the world Now I realize that without you I wouldn’t even be in this world, so I thank you.
- When I was young you taught me the importance of those magic words please and ‘thank you This Mother’s Day please accept a huge thank you from me to you for always being there.
- The love you always had for me knows no boundaries I wish to let you know that it is the same from me I love you without limits Happy Mother’s Day.
معايدة عيد الام بالانجليزي
يُمكنك معايدة الأم بحلول أو قرب عيد الام بأجمل معايدات انجليزية مليئة بكلمات الحُب والتهنئة في نفس الوقت.
- There is no one more caring kind and loving in this world than you Thank you for always being there for me and especially for being my Mother Happy Mother’s Day.
- Thanks you for always taking such great care of me Today however it’s your day and we’ll take care of you Happy Mother’s Day.
- You’ve always been there for me and that is why I love you so much Happy Mother’s Day.
- No matter if I’m young or old good or bad I know you’re always there for me This Mother’s Day I’ll be there for you and I’ll even try to be good.
- There is nothing in this world to compare to the love I care for you I’ll always be grateful for what you did for me! Happy Mother’s Day.
- To an amazing woman who has inspired me to always follow my dreams and stay the course Happy Mother’s Day.
- You supported me in everything even when I was wrong you were there for me I suppose that’s what Mothers do for their children And that’s why I love you! Happy Mother’s Day.
- Mother’s are the most special pf all You surely are to me mom Wishing you the best and happiest Mother’s Day.
- Moms like you are priceless You have been such an amazing influence on me since I was born Thanks for your guidance.
- You are a blessing to many people but I am especially grateful for the amazing work you have done being my mom.
- You are a wonderful patient caring amazing mom Thanks for everything.
تهاني بمناسبة عيد الام بالانجليزي
اختر عبارة حب انجليزية للأم أو مدح أو تهنئة في يوم الام وشاركها مع أمك.
- I love you and I think every day should be Mother’s Day but for some reason it only comes around once a year so let’s make the most of it.
- Even if I lived another life I would still not have enough time to reward you for everything you did for me Happy Mother’s Day
- May your Mother’s Day be filled with as much happiness as you brought to my childhood.
- May your Mother’s Day be as great as you This is a special wish from you-don’t know-who! Happy Mother’s Day.
- Mum you’re the glue that holds us together Happy Mother’s Day.
- Thank you for your hard work as you can see I turned our great Happy Mother’s Day.
- You are a blessing to many people but I am especially grateful for the amazing work you have done being my mom.
- One of my most awesome friends just so happens to be one of the most awesome moms on the planet! Happy Mother’s Day.
- You are off to such a sweet start as a mom Happy 1st Mother’s Day.
- For the best mum in the world you make me smile you brighten my day and give my life a meaning I can’t imagine spending a day without your smile Happy Mother’s Day.
- No one can be as selfless as you as sacrificing as you and as understanding as you! Lots of love and good wishes for Mothers Day.
- All women become like their mothers That is their tragedy No man does That’s his Oscar Wilde.
حالات واتس عيد الام بالانجليزي
هنئ الام في نفس الوقت فهي تحمل تهاني ومعاني حب جميلة للأم وبشكل قصير مُناسبة لمقاس الحالات.
- May you find everything that your heart desires on this special day Happy Mothers Day Mum.
- May all the love you gave to us come back to you a hundredfold on this special day.
- Wishing you all the love and happiness you so richly deserve happy Mother’s Day.
- Mom You’re the best! Thanks for all you do. Happy Mother’s Day.
- Thank you for always being there Mom. Happy Mother’s Day.
- Because of you I am me Happy Mothers Day.
- Wishing you a fabulous Mother’s day You’re the best mom I could have asked for.
- Wishing you a very special mothers day Thank you for always being there for me.
- Happy Mothers Day to the greatest mom I could ever have asked for.
بوستات عيد الام بالانجليزي
مجموعة أخيرة شاركها مع من حولك من الأصدقاء على فيس بوك أو على تغريدات تويتر ستكون مميّز جداً بها في عيد الام أمام الأصدقاء.
- To the best mother in the universe Happy Mother’s Day You deserve all the love care and support that you’ve lovingly given every day of my life I love you.
- Throughout the years you’ve always been by my side I couldn’t have had a better mother to look up to Happy Mother’s Day.
- Happy Mother’s Day! I don’t say it nearly enough but thank you for all you’ve done for me in my life and everything you still do.
- Where would I be without you You taught me to walk and read and write and sing and skip and ride a bike and a million other things besides Thank you for everything I love you and I hope you have a beautiful Mother’s Day.
- You taught me everything and for this I will always be grateful. Now it’s time for me to tell you how much I love you! Happy Mother’s Day.
- Another beautiful woman once said When you are a mother you are never really alone in your thoughts A mother always has to think twice once for herself and once for her child Thank you for thinking twice a million times for me.
- Mentor Organizer Taxi driver Handyman Educator Referee these don’t even begin to describe all the things a mother has to be To me you’re just the best mom ever Happy Mother’s Day.
- I could bring you flowers I could give you gifts but nothing in this world can truly show you the love I care for you. Happy Mother’s Day.