مجموعة من أجمل ما يُمكنك مشاركة تهنئة بحلول عيد ميلاد الأخت، كلُ منّا يفرح لفرح اخته لهذا وضعنا اليوم رسائل عيد ميلاد الاخت بالانجليزي، لهذا عندما تحتفل الأخت بعيد ميلادها يُمكنك تهنئتها بتهنئة انجليزية في يوم ميلاد أحلى اخت الكثير من الاخوة والاخوات يتبادلون أحلى رسائل عيد ميلاد الاخت بالانجليزي مترجمة ، لذا لا تبخل في سعادتها فستكون رسالة تهنئة جميلة للأخت وستُدخل الفرحة في قلبها وستشاركها الفرحة أيضاً.
رسائل عيد ميلاد الاخت بالانجليزي
باقتنا الأولى هي أروع رسائل عيد ميلاد الاخت بالانجليزي ومُناسبة لأي سنة تحتفل بها الأخت الخاصة بك، سوى كانت الأخت من الاب والام او الأخت الصديقة فهي ستُناسب الان.
- I still remember the fights we had, I still remember the joys we shared. Today on your Birthday Here is a special wish, that you always stay Happy and blessed in life! Happy Birthday Dear Sister.
- Happy Birthday my Lovely Sister To have a sister is to gain a lifetime companion, who loves you, simply because you’re you.
- When people say I am so smart and handsome, I feel what all of you is deep inside me. Happy Birthda.
- Whenever I fail, you don’t fail me and that is beauty of you being there always. Happy Birthda.
- Sister, you haven’t had it easy, to say the least, the motivation and spirit you demonstrate makes me succeed. Thank you and Happy Birthday.
- Every time I had a fall, I had your soft hand giving me hard support. Happy birthday.
- You’ve been my friend and guide through and through, examples you set are life I emulate.Thank you for being a darling sister. Happy Birthday.
- You are so beautiful and so caring, one just can’t imagine life without you being my sister. Happy Birthday.
- Dear sister, wishing you a very happy birthday. May all your dreams come true.
- Happy Birthday To a Wonderful Sister Who has bought more smiles and joy, to my life than She could never know.
- Thinking of you , Sister today is your Birthday, and you have a brand -new year ahead, with the past behind you and so many dreams and wishes just waiting to come true.
- Good wishes for a day, Good wishes for the year, Good wishes for a future, filled with happiness and cheer.
- Dear Sister you are very special and so is your Birthday, so hope this day is filled with joys and happiness, for always. Enjoy Your Birthday.
- A lovely wish for the best sister in the world. May God fill your life with love, happiness, wealth and good fortune. Happy birthday dear sister.
- You are my best friend. I love you dear sister. Happy Birthday.
- Despite our arguments and differences, you are still the most important person in my life. Happy birthday, sis.
- A better sister I could never find. Really! Happy birthday, sis.
كلمات عيد ميلاد الاخت انجليزية
من الأخ لأخته او من الأخت لأختها هذه عبارات تهنئة رسائل عيد ميلاد الاخت بالانجليزي، ستكون كلمة جميلة تُشاركها حُبك واهتمامك وكذلك تهنئة جميلة في عيد ميلاد الأخت.
- A sister who know how to make me smile, and cry at the same time. A sister who taught me the things I know by now. That’s my sister and she is the best. Happy birthday Sis.
- Warmest thoughts and best wishes I want to send you today. Let’s take a blissful cheer for this is your day. Happy birthday.
- I hope this year brings you more joy than the last. Enjoy every minute because this special day was made for you.
- Sisters share too many emotions together joy, laughter, jealousy, happiness, anger, dreams and togetherness and these make them the truest friends of all.
- You are the best sister that I have ever had. Even in my imagination. Happy Birthday.
- Sisters don’t have to be fun to be around, but it is great when they are. Happy Birthday.
- I do not talk to you every day any more, but you are still in my heart. Happy Birthday Sister.
- Thank you for bringing so much fun in my life. Happy birthday, dear sis.
- All the wealth of the world isn’t enough to compensate for the love of a sister. So, I do not want to miss the opportunity to wish you happy birthday.
- Sisters are special sisters are friends. They laugh at jokes that no other understands. Sisters share memories of smiles and tears. They share the same parents and all their years.
- Superheroes are one in a million. Great sisters like you are one in a lifetime. Happy Birthday.
- Friends may come and go but sisters will always be around. Happy Birthday.
- Thanks for being a great sister and understanding me, although I have never quite understood you. Happy Birthday.
- Our parents made us siblings, we became friends on our own. Happy Birthday Sis.
قد يُفيدك أكثر:
كلمات للأخت في عيد ميلادها
عيد ميلاد اختي
بوستات عيد ميلاد اختي
تهنئة عيد ميلاد للاخت
تهنئة عيد ميلاد اختي
اليوم عيد ميلاد اختي الصغيرة
رسائل عيد ميلاد اختي
اليوم عيد ميلاد اختي الصغيرة
صور عيد ميلاد الاخت
تهنئة عيد ميلاد اختي بالانجليزي
هذه مجموعة أخرى من اجمل رسائل عيد ميلاد الاخت بالانجليزي ستكون تجربة جميلة أيضاً لأنها رسائل مميّزة وأجملها، شارك رسائل قصيرة عبر الجوال او واتس اب او مواقع التواصل الخاصة بك مع أختك الغالية الآن.
- Dear Sister, on your birthday I pray to the Lord that you may get all the happiness and wealth of the world.
- On your birthday I’d like you to know that you are my greatest gift. I thank God for making you my sister.
- I have always loved you and will continue to do so. On your birthday I send you my best wishes, love and greetings. Wishing you a fabulous birthday.
- Thank you for being there for me always. Loads of love on your birthday.
- Sisters not only share clothes and accessories but they also share a life together. Happy Birthday.
- You are the one who has taught me what love and care is. Happy birthday my wonderful sister.
- It was a fun growing up with you. Wishing you all the happiness and joy on your birthday.
- I thank God for giving me the greatest gift ever, in you. You are a wonderful sister and I love you always. Happy birthday to you.
- May God fill your life with happiness and brilliance. Wishing you a very happy birthday.
- I was scared sleeping alone in the night but you’re always there by my side, protecting me always. Thank you for being such a lovely sister and have a very happy birthday.
- You’re the darling of dad, the favorite daughter of mom, the apple of uncles and aunts’ eyes, and my best sister. Happy birthday.
- I can’t express the feelings I have for you but the best one is the love that we always shared. Happy birthday and have a brilliant year ahead.
- Here’s to the love and fights we shared, here’s to your health, wealth, and prosperity. Wish you all the very best on your birthday.